Executive Office Of The President Of The UNITED STATES
Let us understand the condition of World in COVID 19
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C.D.C.) has Added six new possible symptoms for the Novel coronavirus infection.
The revised C.D.C. list differs from the symptoms described by
the World Health Organization
Old list of Symptoms
- Fever – बुख़ार
- Cough – ख़ाांसी
- Shortness of breath – स़ाांस लेनेमेंदिक्कत
The new symptoms are
1. Chills – ठां ड लगऩा
2. Repeated shaking with chills – ठां ड लगनेसेलग़ात़ार क़ाांपऩा
3. Muscle pain – म़ाांसपेदिय ांमेंििद
4. Headache – दसरििद
5. Sore throat – गलेमेंखऱाि
6. New loss of taste or smell – गांध व स्व़ाि क़ा न आऩा
All symptoms
1. Fever
2. Cough
3. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
4. Chills
5. Repeated shaking with chills
7. Muscle pain
8. Headache
9. Sore throat
10. New loss of taste or smell
These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the
Runny nose rarely happens with COVID-19
Sneezing is still not a symptom acc to CDC
CDC has added that the list is not all inclusive and one still
Needs to consult their medical provider for any other
Symptoms that are severe or concerning.
These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the
Runny nose rarely happens with COVID-19
Sneezing is still not a symptom acc to CDC
CDC has added that the list is not all inclusive and one still
Needs to consult their medical provider for any other
Symptoms that are severe or concerning.
Why is this important?
People who contract COVID-19 can experience a broad range of
symptoms and have very different experiences.
The expanded symptoms list could prove important because
with a limited number of test kits available, typically those
seeking a test must first show symptoms.
Symptoms according to WHO
Common symptoms includes
• fever
• tiredness
• dry cough.
Other symptoms include:
• shortness of breath
• aches and pains
• sore throat
• and very few people will report diarrhoea, nausea or a runny Nose.
According to a study of nearly 56,000 laboratory confirmed
cases cited in the WHO report, the most common symptoms
- Fever (88%)
- Dry cough (68%)
- Fatigue (38%)
- Coughing up sputum/mucus production (33%)
- Shortness of breath (19%)
- Joint or muscle pain (15%)
- Sore throat (14%)
- Headache (14%)
- Chills (11%)
- Nausea or vomiting (5%)
- Nasal congestion (5%)
- Diarrhoea (3%)
- Coughing up blood (1%)
- Eye discharge (1%
Ministry of Health, India
The most common
Symptoms of COVID-19 are
- Fever
- Tiredness
- dry cough
Some people may also
- aches and pains
- nasal congestion
- runny nose
- sore throat
- diarrhoea
Anosmia = the loss of smell
Ageusia = the complete lack of taste
Dysgeusia = altered sense of taste
Great source of information
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